Parking meters

parking meter machine on street with a hand holding a phone towards the meter

How to use parking and Touch N Go meters

How to use the PayStay App

Parking meter

Electronic parking meter with touch screen on side road

Touch N Go (PayStay Guest)

Grey box device attached to street poles to pay for parking with a blue sign on the side that says 'pay here'

PayStay App

blue background with words 'PayStay by Orikan' written

Parking meter and Touch N Go locations

Parking meter QR code security

PayStay's QR codes adhere to high security standards. Stay vigilant to scams by checking the URL link that appears after scanning a QR code. All web addresses will display as under a secure https connection. Scammers make subtle changes to URL text. Check the link and destination to ensure it’s legitimate. If you have the PayStay App it will automatically open when a PayStay QR code is scanned. Confirm the zone number paid for online against the zone number listed on street signs.