General Manager's foreword for the 2022/23 Annual Report

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Since joining Council in November 2022, I have been overwhelmed by the level of engagement in North Sydney. The elected Council, community and our staff are all incredibly proud of the local area, and passionate about the future. It is this energy that will see us rise to opportunities, thriving despite the challenges thrown our way. There will always be differing views within a community, but by working together and engaging constructively, we will always be stronger.

The focus of this year has been one of review and renewal, at the same time maintaining the high quality of services the community has come to expect. In accepting a leadership role, it is always prudent to start by reviewing the underlying foundational strength of the organisation, to determine what’s working well and where you can make a difference.

Structures, systems, technology, skills, qualities and financial capacity are all important in fostering a high performing high-rewarding culture which in turn delivers the best value in service delivery and infrastructure provision to our community.

In January, we embarked on this process of review to identify opportunities to better support our workforce in delivering services. This review resulted in a change in the structure of our Executive Leadership Team, reducing the number of directorates from six to three.

Our recruitment efforts were a success, with a strong field of candidates leading to the appointment of Marcelo Occhiuzzi as Director Community, Planning and Environment, Luke Harvey as Director of Corporate Support and Gary Parsons as Director of Open Space and Infrastructure. Joining the new Executive team is Council’s new General Counsel, Christina Wu, and Executive Manager Organisational Performance, Emma FitzRoy. I would describe the new team as authentic, diverse, community focused, and committed to strong leadership and best practice in service delivery.

The new executive team is very fortunate to have been welcomed by a workforce of people with a strong sense of purpose, agility, expertise in their field. As you read through the Annual Report, you will see the many achievements of Council which would not have been possible without the brilliance of our staff.

The new playground delivered by our projects team in St Leonards Park, the efforts of our planning team in responding to development pressure, the internationally acclaimed condition of North Sydney Oval, the numerous events held to bring our community together, the activities at Stanton Library, the beautifully maintained bushland, parks and gardens, the strong support of our volunteers, the initiatives to support accessibility and inclusion - the list goes on.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all staff for their energy, passion, and collaboration throughout the year. In a world of increasing technology, people are what makes the difference.

Finally, I would like to finish by recognising Rob Emerson who acted in the role of General Manager prior to my arrival. Rob’s tenure in this role spanned nearly half the year and was significant in delivering many of the outcomes within this report. His kind support and introduction on my arrival was much appreciated and ensured a smooth transition. Rob retired this year after more than 40 years of incredible contribution to North Sydney and we wish him well for the future.


Therese Manns, General Manager

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