Coal Loader Artist's Studio Applications
Council aims to support artists to explore and develop their art practice by providing artists with a studio space at the Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability. Council encourages the chosen studio artist to share their creative insights with the community, raising awareness of cultural expression through sustainable means.
Key dates
Applications for the 2024/2025 residencies are now closed. Applications for 2025/2026 open in the second half of 2025.
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Applications are open to:
- Artists from the Northern Sydney and Greater Sydney regions. Artists from the North Sydney Local Government area or artists who are working towards locally based outcomes are encouraged to apply.
- Emerging, mid career or professional artists
- Applicants 18 years of age or over
Ineligible applicants
Artists who have participated in North Sydney Council’s studio program in the last 12 months are ineligible to apply this round unless they have a confirmed project with an outcome in North Sydney Local Government Area (LGA).
Permitted artforms
A range of art forms will be considered including sculpture, painting, installation, digital media etc, however the following is not permitted in Council’s studios:
- materials that emit toxic fumes
- materials that require extraction fans
- materials that result in hazardous waste
- processes, tools and equipment that emit excessive noise
Selection criteria
The selection panel is comprised of representatives from North Sydney Council's Arts and Culture staff and another industry expert. Applications will be assessed on the following criteria:
- Applicant's vision, potential and quality of work, originality of ideas
- Relevance of applicant's practice to the philosophy of The Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability: “To operate a high quality facility that will educate and inspire the wider community to put sustainable living ideas into practise”.
- Impact of the studio residency to the applicant’s professional development
- Suitability of the applicant's practice and ability to work in a studio space in a collaborative manner
- Commitment to attend the studio regularly
- Value of a studio in North Sydney LGA to the applicant's practice
- Applicant's capacity and interest in contributing to the cultural life of North Sydney
Fees and tenancy conditions
Successful artists are required to enter into a licence agreement that sets out the terms and conditions of the tenancy.
- Studios are offered for 12 month tenancy
- Studio hire is $20 per week payable in quarterly instalments
- Successful applicants require their own public liability insurance of $20 million for the period
- Successful applicants require a current NSW Working With Children Check
- Artists are responsible for insuring their property and contents
- Studios are non-residential. Overnight stays are not permitted
- Studios can be accessed from 7am-9pm 7 days
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Speak to our Arts & Culture team
For further information, please contact Council's Arts and Culture team.