Justice of the Peace services

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Find a Justice of the Peace

Council's Justice of the Peace cannot act as a witness to a signature on a document, they can only sign statutory declarations, affidavits, and certified copies.

JP at Stanton Library

You must call Stanton Library to make an appointment to see a JP. 

Telephone: (02) 9936 8400
  • Tuesdays: 10am to 12pm
  • Wednesdays: 12.30pm to 2.30pm
  • Thursdays: 4pm to 6pm
  • Fridays: 1pm to 3pm

A maximum of 10 pages can be certified.

JP at Customer Service Centre

You must call Council's Customer Service Centre to make an appointment to see a JP. 

Telephone: (02) 9936 8100
  • Mondays: 2pm to 4pm
  • Tuesdays: 2pm to 4pm
  • Thursdays: 2pm to 4pm

A maximum of 10 pages can be certified.

Many of our JPs are volunteers. If the scheduled JP becomes unavailable, we will make every effort to find a replacement. Cancelled appointments will be rescheduled.

Other nearby JP services

If you require a JP elsewhere, use the public register.

What to bring to your appointment

You need to show your booking reference or provide ID at your appointment with a Justice of the Peace.

What you need to know:

  • Bring your original documents and your own pen. A maximum of five pages can be presented at Customer Service, with a maximum of 10 pages for certification at Stanton Library.
  • Only one customer can be served at a time, but a carer or co-signer is permitted.
  • If you do not speak or read English, bring an interpreter.

Contact Council

Our Customer Service Centre operates from 9am to 5pm. Our Council Rangers are on duty and contactable seven days a week from 5.30am to midnight.

Address: Customer Service Centre, 200 Miller Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060

Telephone: (02) 9936 8100

What a Justice of the Peace can do for you

A Justice of the Peace can:

  • witness statutory declarations
  • witness an affidavit
  • certify true copies of original documents
  • witness a statutory declaration under the NSW Oaths Act 1900, an Australian affidavit, or a Commonwealth of Australia statutory declaration
    • for NSW statutory declarations, bring photographic identification with you.
  • witness signatures on legal documents, and administer oaths as authorised by a NSW legislation
    • if your document does not indicate the relevant NSW Act or Regulation authorising the JP to witness your signature, then find out the details from the issuing body or your legal professional. If the NSW Act or Regulation cannot be identified, the JP will not be able to witness the document for you.

A NSW JP can witness interstate documents where this is permitted by the law of the other State or Territory.

  • Bring the original document and provide photocopies for certification. Electronically issued documents can only be certified where they are downloaded and printed from the issuing website in front of the JP. You may wish to bring your own electronic device or use one of the library or Council computers.

A NSW JP can certify copies of original documents from overseas.

A NSW JP cannot witness the execution of international documents for use overseas. Instead, find and contact a Notary using this locator.

A NSW JP cannot witness or certify any of the following documents:

  • Enduring Powers of Attorney
  • Proof of Life forms
  • Queensland Land Title documents
  • Laminated Citizenship Certificates.
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