Council rates

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Overview of Council rates

All property owners in North Sydney are charged annual Council rates which make up approximately 60 percent of Council's source income.

Rates are used to provide essential infrastructure and services such as roads, footpaths, parks, sporting fields, playgrounds, swimming pools, community centres, libraries, cycleways, and other public amenities.

Calculation of Council rates

Council’s current rates structure is levied annually based on the following factors:

  • categorisation of the land (residential or business)
  • land value (unimproved capital value)
  • allowable annual increase (rate pegging or Special Rate Variation)
  • calculation method.

Categorisation of land

All rateable land within the North Sydney Local Government Area is categorised as residential or business. Council assesses properties according to dominant use. Most ratepayers are charged ordinary rates under the residential category.

Categories are important, because rates differ depending on the category of the land. For example, land categorised as residential may attract a lower rate per dollar of land value than land categorised as business. When a property is a mix of residential and business use, a Mixed Development Apportionment factor may apply.

Change your land category

Land value

New land values are issued every three years. As Council's overall rates income is limited by rate pegging and any approved special variation to rates income, an increase (or decrease) in your land value does not necessarily mean a corresponding increase (or decrease) in your rates.

Allowable annual increase

Each year the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) approves a maximum percentage increase in the total income a council can receive from rates. This is called the 'rate peg'.

If a council identifies a program of works that requires funding over and above that of the rate peg, it may apply for a Special Rate Variation (SRV) to increase general rate income. For more information, refer to the IPART website.

Calculation method

Councils can choose how they calculate and distribute rates among categories of rateable properties in the council area.

For each property category, rates can be calculated in one of three ways. They can be based:

  1. entirely on the land value of the property
  2. on a combination of the land value of the property, and a fixed amount per property
  3. entirely on the land value, but subject to a minimum amount

Council must impose a rate per dollar of land value, with a minimum amount.

North Sydney Council’s rates are calculated using option 3.

Council specifies a minimum amount of a rate to be levied on each parcel of land, the size of any minimum amount must not exceed the relevant permissible limits provided for in the Local Government Act 1993 section 548(3) and clause 126 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 (Regulation). 

The total amount of income that a council can raise from rates and charges is limited by the rate peg percentage. 

Valuations are then applied within Council’s rating structure to calculate how that total income is apportioned to each rateable property.

In years when a general revaluation has been processed there can be considerable differences between individual rate increases. This is usually because properties in different parts of the Local Government Area have been revalued at different rates according to data used by the Valuer General in performing the revaluation. 

View this year's base Council rates

The following rates are applicable from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

Ordinary rate 
Residential properties   minimum base amount – $715.24  Ad Valorem cents in the dollar – $0.00061337
Business properties minimum base amount – $715.24 Ad Valorem cents in the dollar – $0.00434130
Special rate - Infrastructure Levy
All rateable properties  minimum base amount (50%) – $30.47 Ad Valorem cents in the dollar – $0.00002980
Environmental Levy 
All rateable properties  minimum base amount (50%) – $34.20   Ad Valorem cents in the dollar – $0.00003344
Crows Nest Mainstreet Levy
Business properties minimum base amount (30%) – $120.32 Ad Valorem cents in the dollar – $0.00019096
Neutral Bay Mainstreet Levy 
Business properties minimum base amount (30%) – $133.63  Ad Valorem cents in the dollar – $0.00026502

The above rates figures include the rate peg of 5% as determined by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal.


Pay Council rates

Pay rates online

Check our ways to pay page for alternative ways to make payment.

If payment is not received by the due date, interest will accrue daily.

If you are having trouble paying your rates for any reason, please discuss this with our Financial Services Department.

Contact Council

Our Customer Service Centre operates from 9am to 5pm. Our Council Rangers are on duty and contactable seven days a week from 5.30am to midnight.

Address: Customer Service Centre, 200 Miller Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060

Telephone: (02) 9936 8100

Request Council rate notices by email

Annual rate notices are sent out in July and may be paid in full by the due date or in instalments. Instalment notices are then sent out in October, January and April.

Click the link below and register your details to receive your Council rate notices by email.

Request rate notices by email

Submit a Council rates enquiry

If you have a question about your rates, you can submit a rates enquiry here:

Submit a rates enquiry

Change a name or address on a rates notice

Change of name

To add or delete a name on a Council rates notice, you must first change your title deeds with the NSW Land Registry Services.

You can then use the form below to notify Council of the change. 

Change of address

You will need to advise Council of a change of address by writing to the below address, or by completing the online form.

North Sydney Council, 
PO Box 12, 
North Sydney NSW 2059

Notify of a Change of Customer Details form

Check for outstanding Council rates on a property

You can check for any outstanding Council rates on a property, known as a section 603 certificate, by following this link:

Check outstanding Council rates - digital form

Check outstanding Council rates - paper form



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