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Current Tenders and Expressions of Interest
Open public Tenders and Expressions of Interest are conducted where expenditure is expected to be greater than $250,000.
Tender documents may be obtained free of charge by registering on the e-tendering portal, Tenderlink. If you experience difficulties accessing this website please contact the Tenderlink helpdesk on 1800 233 533.
Current Tenders:
- Road resurfacing, patching and associated works for the Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (NSROC), closes 2pm Friday 14 February 2025.
Closing times are strictly adhered to and applications received after the advertised closing date and time cannot be considered.
How to apply for a Tender or Expression of Interest
To apply for a Council Tender, you must complete the following steps:
- find and review the tender documentation on Tenderlink
- register as a supplier on Tenderlink to receive email notifications of new tenders
- read the tender document carefully and familiarise yourself with the conditions of tendering, the conditions of contract and all specifications or requirements, especially clauses dealing with delivery and price variations
- ensure you can provide/meet the requirements of the Tender
- if you’re unsure about a proposed contract, either discuss it with the contact nominated in the tender advertisement or have the tender reviewed by your legal representative
- apply for an Australian Business Number (ABN) - you must have an ABN to be eligible to apply for a Tender
- complete all forms - make sure you have filled out all the necessary fields from the document, answered each of the criteria and supplied the required number of copies of your submission
- lodge your forms by the closing date/time via Tenderlink. They may also be placed in the tender box located at Customer Service, Ground floor, 200 Miller Street, North Sydney, no later than the closing time on the closing date. The tender box is accessible to the public between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Please note, the questions in the tender are carefully designed to ensure the very best provider is selected for each project. If your tender is accepted, the information in your tender forms part of the contract. Failure to answer all mandatory fields can result in your tender being marked as non-conforming.
Tender review process
Every tender will be reviewed by a panel in accordance with the criteria listed in the Tender documentation.
We’ll examine it for compliance with the conditions of tendering. Each tender is read in detail and examined. The strengths and weaknesses of each tender are recorded. You will be advised in writing that your tender was received and then whether your bid was successful or not, once we have considered the responses.
Conforming tenders
A conforming tender is one that meets the conditions outlined in the request for tender document and all requirements of this specifications. A tender may be ruled non-conforming if it's incomplete, does not meet the requirements of the specification or contract as required under the request for tender.
A tender that fails to achieve the stated value in any one assessment criteria will be deemed as non-compliant, as it is considered the risk of engaging that organisation is considered high. Details of the mechanism for non-compliance are outlined in the request for tender document.
Procurement decisions
Procurement decisions are based on a principle of value for money rather than lowest costs. We will also give preference to, and purchase, environmentally performing products that are cost competitive, and organisations that operate in an environmentally responsible manner.
There is no opportunity to negotiate the contract after the tender has been accepted. If you wish to offer substitute terms, they must be submitted in full as part of your tender.
Lobbying councillors or employees is prohibited and may disqualify your application.
Guidelines for doing business with us
Our Procurement Policy ensures Council business is conducted fairly and ethically.
It states:
- gifts and benefits must not be offered to North Sydney Council staff
- all North Sydney Council staff and business partners must disclose any potential and actual conflicts of interest
- information which is marked confidential, or which a reasonable person would expect to be confidential, should be treated as such
- in business relationships with us, parties will respect each other’s intellectual property rights and will formally negotiate any access, licence, or use of intellectual property
- where equipment or resources are supplied by us, they must only be used for the agreed official purpose.
Our Code of Conduct
All employees, contractors, consultants and volunteers are bound by our Code of Conduct. They are accountable for their actions and are expected to maintain the following:
- use public resources effectively and efficiently
- encourage fair and transparent competition while seeking value for money
- protect confidential and proprietary information
- deal fairly, ethically and honestly with all individuals and organisations
- disclose any situation that involves or could be perceived to involve a conflict of interest
- not seek or accept financial or other benefits for performing official duties
- treat all potential suppliers with impartiality and fairness and given equal access to information
- all procurement activities and decisions be fully and clearly documented to provide an effective audit trail.
We require all contractors of goods and services to:
- comply with our Statement of Business Ethics Policy
- comply with our procurement policies and procedures
- declare any actual or perceived conflicts of interest as soon as you become aware of them
- act ethically, fairly and honestly in all dealings with us
- take all reasonable measures to prevent the disclosure of confidential information
- provide accurate and reliable advice and information when requested
- not offer North Sydney Council staff any financial inducements or any gifts or other benefits which may influence or be seen as influencing them
- comply with Council’s Child Protection framework.
Consequences of not complying with our ethical requirements, or demonstrated corrupt or unethical conduct could lead to termination of contracts and loss of future work.