William Bourke

William Bourke

William has lived in the North Sydney local government area for around 20 years, including Neutral Bay, Wollstonecraft and North Sydney.

William has completed a Bachelor of Business (accounting and finance) and Master of Business (marketing and sports management). He has extensive business experience including as a partner in a small marketing consulting business in Crows Nest for over 15 years, and previous experience in accounting, corporate banking and government communications.

William enjoys nature, bushwalking, beaches, swimming and travelling. He has travelled widely including in Asia, North America and Europe, and lived in a number of places in Australia including Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and North Queensland.

Growing up around natural bushland, William wants to ensure that we protect our environment and stop overdevelopment. He is committed to serving the community first and foremost, and adding fresh ideas and greater community consultation across issues such as green space, biodiversity, overdevelopment, infrastructure and government services.

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Ward: St Leonards Ward

Address: North Sydney Council, PO Box 12, North Sydney, NSW 2059