MaryAnn lives in Neutral Bay with her husband and their three children, their dogs Louie and Lola, and cat Milo. MaryAnn is regularly out and about in her local community - on most days she can be found walking her dogs along the Cremorne Point or Lavender Bay harbour walks or enjoying a play in Primrose Park, Forsyth Park, or St Leonards Park.
MaryAnn holds a Master of Science from Oxford University and Bachelor of Arts (pure mathematics and mathematical statistics) from Sydney University. MaryAnn's professional career includes management roles in the financial services and professional education sectors, including at the Securities Institute (now FINSIA) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAA). MaryAnn is qualified secondary school mathematics teacher and has taught in schools and colleges in Sydney and London. When the opportunity arises, MaryAnn intends studying for her PhD focusing on education as a driver of productivity.
MaryAnn is committed to ensuring that North Sydney is inclusive, vibrant and accessible and meets the needs of the large community that lives, works, studies, plays and visits the North Sydney Local Government Area. She is committed to ensuring that Council engages meaningfully with the community, is fiscally responsible, committed to transparency and makes decisions that are evidence-based and sustainable.
MaryAnn was first elected to North Sydney Council in 2012. Currently MaryAnn serves as:
- Chair, North Sydney Council’s Access and Inclusion Committee
- Council’s delegate, Audit, Risk and Improvement (ARIC) Committee
- Chair, North Sydney Council’s Open Space and Recreation Reference Group
- Council’s Delegate - North Sydney Council’s Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC)
- Council’s Delegate - Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils
- Council’s Delegate - Sydney Harbour Trust Sub Base Platypus Advisory Committee
MaryAnn has also served as Deputy Mayor and a member of the General Manager’s Performance Review Panel.
MaryAnn has been an active part of her local community for over 20 years. Prior to being elected to Council, MaryAnn initiated the re-establishment of the Neutral Precinct, serving as Co-Chair and was a citizen member on Council's Community Services Committee until she was elected to Council. MaryAnn has been the President of a Community-based childcare centre, the President and Treasurer of the Forsyth Park Playgroup and undertaken other voluntary roles.
In her spare time, MaryAnn enjoys swimming, tennis, cooking and planning exciting adventures with her family.
MaryAnn is an independent. She has never been a member of a political party.