Badangi Reserve, Wollstonecraft - Bushcare Groups

Group contact
John Brewer

0419 140 548
Location and meeting details

Meetings occur on Saturday's on the first and third full weekend of the month from 1pm to 4pm.

Dates: February 1 and 15, March 1 and 15, April 5 and 19*, May 3 and 17, June 7* and 21, July 5 and 19, August 2 and 16, September 6 and 20, October 4* and 18, November 1 and 15.

Meetings alternate between two sites, one at the junction of Tryon Avenue and Cable Street on the first meeting of the month and the other at Bridge End on the second meeting of the month.

Tyron Avenue and Cable Street

Bridge End

Groups meet between February and November, taking a break in January and December.

* Meetings that fall on a long weekend or the Boorowa tree planting trip must be confirmed by the Group Convenor.

In the event of rain, call the Group Convenor for updates.

Volunteers are required to wear enclosed shoes, a long sleeved shirt, long pants and a hat. Bring sunscreen and a full water bottle.

Getting here
Wollstonecraft Train Station is 10 and 5 min walk from each meeting site.

Bus route: Route 265 Wollstonecraft Station, Milner Cres Wollstonecraft (Stop ID 206511)

Badangi Reserve’s picturesque 7 hectares of bushland lies between Balls Head and Berry Island on the northern foreshore of Sydney Harbour.

Residents came together at this location to form a Bushcare Group in early 1993, once infested with woody weeds (e.g., small-leaved privet and Lantana) and Asparagus Plant, the bushland has seen much improvement and now requires maintenance of exotic grasses and herbs.

Angophora Foreshore Forest and Blackbutt Gully Forest are the dominant plant communities, Badangi Reserve preserves the only example of Forest Red Gum Foreshore Forest (Eucalyptus teriticornis) in the North Sydney LGA and supports endangered wildlife such as the fishing microbat the Large-footed Myotis.

It is home to significant Aboriginal sites, ‘Badangi’ is an Aboriginal word meaning Sydney Rock Oyster. Badangi Reserve is part of the Wollstonecraft cluster of reserves, a biodiversity hotspot for North Sydney LGA and an important wildlife corridor connecting neighbouring Lane Cove Council.