Harry Howard Reserve, Wollstonecraft - Bushcare Groups

Group contact

0411 238 072
Location and meeting details

The group meets on Saturday's on the first full weekend of the month from 9am to 12pm.

Dates: February 1, March 1, April 5, May 3, June 7*, July 5, August 2, September 6, October 4*, November 1.

Meet at the end of Newlands Lane, Wollstonecraft.

Groups meet between February and November, taking a break in January and December.

Meetings that fall on a long weekend or the Boorowa tree planting trip must be confirmed by the Group Convenor.

In the event of rain, call the Group Convenor for updates.

Volunteers are required to wear enclosed shoes, a long sleeved shirt, long pants and a hat. Bring sunscreen and a full water bottle.

Getting here
Get the train: Wollstonecraft Train Station is 10 min walk. T1 - North Shore & Western Line and T9 - Northern Line

Catch a bus: Route 265 Ivy St at Rocklands Rd Wollstonecraft (Stop ID 206597) & Ivy St before Rocklands Rd. Wollstonecraft (Stop ID 2065101)

The small but much-loved Harry Howard Reserve lies just north of Badangi Reserve, across the North Shore Railway Line, it is a narrow gully at the lower end of Newlands Lane. The half-hectare reserve was named after the preeminent Australian landscape architect and former local resident, Harry Howard. Bounded by tall unit blocks on both sides, its sheltered forest feel is added to by the buildings’ shadows.

In the 1980s, the vegetation in this area included native canopy remnants, mostly Sydney Red Gums (Angophora costata) and a few Blackbutts (Eucalyptus pilularis), parts of it were quite degraded with exotic trees and invasive weeds.

Harry Howard Bushcare Group formed in February 1999 following the suggestion of Councillors at an on-site residential meeting regarding a nearby controversial development the previous year.

Rehabilitation of this reserve has included a mixture of bush regeneration and revegetation with local provenance plantings grown by volunteers at the Bushcare Community Nursery.

Further volunteer support is always welcome.