What is fusible webbing and what can it be used for? Come learn the tricks of using vliesofix, how to convert an image to a piece of fused applique work with the talented Alison Muir.
In this course Alison will also teach how to resolve techniques, choose fabrics, develop designs, make pieces for fused applique work, retain scraps for reuse, retain paper backing for reuse.
Materials to bring:
- 2m washed and ironed plain fabric
- special fabrics if available
- iron and small ironing board (table mounted preferred)
- large and small scissors
- roller cutter and cutting matt
- an image if student wishes to recreate something (landscape, waterscape,traditional designs for applique)
- wear closed shoes and clothes
- lunch and drinks as no shops nearby
Tutor will provide 1m of vliesofix per student and access to tutor’s collection of pre-pasted fabrics.