Heritage property restrictions
Owners or potential buyers of heritage properties need to assess the suitability of the property for their current and future needs as requirements beyond those provided by the existing property may not be able to be accommodated, such as:
- heritage items and buildings in conservation areas can not be demolished
- additions need to be located to the rear (not on the main facades) and be smaller in scale than the original building
- additional storeys to heritage items and buildings in conservation areas are generally not supported. Some additional accommodation within the existing roofspace (involving small changes to the roof form located away from main facades) may be supported
- lot subdivision or amalgamation is generally not supported
- off-street parking may be restricted - with no covered car shelters in front of the building line (in the front garden), or facade demolition for garaging
- sandstone retaining walls, rock-faces, fences, curbs and gutters, seawalls and decorative features of buildings should be retained, which may restrict car access
- changes to window openings, new openings, and fence heights may be restricted - fences to a maximum of 900mm (for cottages) and 1100mm (for houses)
- development around heritage items will be regulated under the heritage controls, even if the neighbouring properties are not heritage listed.