Preparing for emergencies
In recent years, we have lived through storms and flooding, drought and extreme heat, bushfires and smoke pollution, and the global COVID-19 pandemic. Other stresses and challenges facing our community include homelessness and housing instability, family violence and climate change.
None of us know when we may be affected by an emergency like one of these. Everyday actions make a difference. Together, we can prepare our community and support each other for natural disasters, extreme weather, and other shocks and stresses.
On this page, you’ll find resources and contact information to help you prepare and respond.
Emergency updates and contacts
Call Triple Zero (000) if:
- someone is seriously injured or in need of urgent medical help
- your life or property is being threatened
- you have just witnessed a serious accident or crime
Download the Hazards Near Me app to stay up to date about local emergencies.
For help during a flood or storm, call NSW SES on 132 500.
Visit nsw.gov.au/GetReadyNSW to download other apps that may be useful during an emergency:
- Emergency Plus: The ‘what 3 words’ feature shares your precise location with emergency services.
- Live Traffic NSW: Plan ahead and see what hazards are impacting your route on NSW roads.
- BOM Weather: Check for weather forecasts and warnings.
Prepare for and respond to hazards and emergencies
- Plan ahead for emergencies
Know the warning signs for natural hazards.
The following tools can help you prepare an emergency plan and emergency kit:
- Australian Red Cross all-hazard Get Prepared app and RediPlan, a free disaster preparedness guide
- NSW SES Emergency Planning Tool for floods, storms and tsunamis
- NSW Government guidance to prepare an emergency kit
- Extreme heat
See NSW Health – Beat the Heat for resources to:
- stay healthy during hot weather
- prepare your home for hot weather
- recognise and respond to heat-related illness
- Fires and smoke
Monitor air quality using Air Quality NSW.
See NSW Health for guidance to protect yourself and your home from bushfire smoke.
Check for fire warnings and alerts using Rural Fire Service – Fires Near Me or the Hazards Near Me app.
See tips on home fire safety from Fire and Rescue NSW and request a home fire safety visit.
For non-urgent help:
- NSW Bushfire Information Line 1800 679 737
- Current fires and incidents map
- Fire danger ratings and total fire bans
- Fire and Rescue NSW
- Storms and flooding
Monitor weather warnings using the Bureau of Meteorology or the Hazards Near Me app.
Prepare, respond and recover from a storm with NSW SES guidance.
For non-urgent help:
- NSW State Emergency Service 132 500
- For blocked or damaged stormwater pipelines causing flooding in the North Sydney local government area, contact Council on 02 9936 8100
- Homelessness
Make a homelessness support request to Council. Other support services are also listed on the page.
- Domestic and family violence
The following services can provide support and information for people experiencing domestic violence:
- For non-urgent help
More crisis and support services are listed in the North Sydney Community Directory.
In non-emergency situations, police can be contacted via:
- NSW Police non-emergency line 131 444
- NSW Police Force
- North Sydney Police Station 02 9956 3199
- North Shore PAC Facebook page
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