Today, on International Volunteer Day we are paying tribute to all our volunteers who play an integral role in our community.
Volunteers help to make the world go round. Did you know more than 1 in 6 residents in our Council area choose to spend some of their time volunteering? Thanks to our dedicated volunteers, our community:
- are able to enjoy the natural environment that has been delicately cared for, including the hard work volunteers have put into regenerating our bushland
- can have important documents witnessed and processed locally for their convenience
- discover personal information such as their family lineage
Volunteer Vilma Bowers is celebrating her 10th anniversary at the Stanton Library Family History Help Desk.
Vilma had been interested in her own family history for many years and decided to share her research skills with others.
She shared her enjoyment of her time spent at Stanton Library and her gratefulness to the library’s staff for their support.
"It has been such an interesting, challenging and rewarding experience," Vilma shares.
“We have helped other discover convicts in their family they didn’t know about, found photos of their family they had never seen before and shared in the excitement of this,” she said.
For Vilma, volunteering has allowed her to meet new and interesting people and form lasting connections.
If you’re looking for ways to volunteer in the area, you can start by following the link to our volunteer page.