Draft DCP amendment for Military Road and Rangers Road

Artist impression of rangers road with footpath bordered by grass with people walking along

The community is invited to review and provide feedback on a draft amendment to the North Sydney Development Control Plan 2013.

At its meeting on 22 July 2024, Council resolved to endorse a draft amendment to the North Sydney Development Control Plan (NSDCP) 2013 and place that draft amendment on public exhibition.

The purpose of the draft amendment is to provide additional detailed design guidance for future development on land at 183-185 Military Road, 1-7 Rangers Road and 50 Yeo Street, Neutral Bay. It comes in response to two separate planning proposals, currently being advanced by the State Government, that seek to change the planning controls for these sites under North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013.

The draft amendment also takes into consideration the objectives of the Neutral Bay Village Planning Study, which Council adopted on 27 May 2024.

The community is invited to review and provide feedback on the draft NSDCP amendment by Monday 23 September 2024. You can find out more, review the amendment and have your say at the link below.

Have your say

You can also view it at Council’s Customer Service Centre, 200 Miller Street, North Sydney, from 9am to 5pm, Mondays to Fridays; and Stanton Library, 234 Miller Street, North Sydney, during opening hours.

Note: In the recent notification letter sent to surrounding properties, there was a typographical error in the web address provided. We apologise for any confusion or inconvenience caused by this error.

Published: 28 August 2024