Protect precious bushland in Neutral Bay with Forsyth Park Bushcare Group.
Forsyth Park, with its distinctive Angophora Foreshore Forest, is the only remaining inland pocket of remnant bushland that we have in North Sydney. Most of our other bushland reserves fringe the harbour, so the reserve is a critical part of our north-south wildlife corridor linking Port Jackson with Middle Harbour.
The Forsyth Park Bushcare Group is calling for new volunteers to help boost the impact of their bush regeneration efforts, and ensure this precious bushland remains healthy and ecologically diverse to support our local native animals.
No prior experience is needed. At all Bushcare group sessions, you'll receive training and support from a qualified supervisor; gloves and tools; and morning or afternoon tea.
The Forsyth Park Bushcare Group meets on the fourth weekend of each month, on a Saturday, from 1pm to 4pm at the bend of Montpelier Street, behind the Community Garden. If you’re not local to Neutral Bay, there are 12 other Bushcare groups around the council area you can join. Find out more and sign up: