Coffee swap and go

green reusable coffee mug

A free alternative to carrying a personal reusable cup has launched in North Sydney with several cafes now offering the service to customers.

Better Business Partnership, which is supported by North Sydney Council, has teamed up with Green Caffeen to provide free coffee cups to any North Sydney BBP accredited café or restaurant that sells take-away drinks.

The Green Caffeen initiative has a wide range of benefits, including:

  • cafe owners save on the cost of disposable cups and lids (at approximately 15-20c a go) 
  • customers no longer need to worry about carrying their own cup
  • it saves unnecessary waste going to landfill

Café or restaurant owners interested in taking part the BBP-sponsored Green Caffeen initiative should contact North Sydney Council’s Sustainable Business Officer Ali Devlin.

Coffee lovers can find out more about the Green Caffeen initiative and which local cafes are participating by visiting

Published: 1 April 2022