Willoughby Road upgrade

Willoughby Road in Crows Nest has been refreshed with new paving, lighting and street furniture with a contemporary design. The upgrade extends from Burlington to Albany Street and includes many popular outdoor dining areas and entertainment areas.

We thank you for your ongoing patience and understanding throughout the duration of this project.

Project update

The removal of wooden power poles and overhead wires has been impacted by industrial action at Ausgrid. The next electrical outage has been postponed pending Ausgrid and Union negotiations. Due to these ongoing negotiations, additional works will need to be completed by Ausgrid after Council has completed the streetscape upgrade in 2025. Updates will be provided closer to the work dates.

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Project history

  • Council adopted the preferred design option 1C on 27 February 2023.
  • The tender for undergrounding of power and lighting upgrade was awarded on 28 August 2023.
  • Construction commenced 5 October 2023, with anticipated completion October 2024.

Artist's Impression

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