Comment on a proposed development

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Submit a comment on a proposed development

If you wish to submit your support or objection to a proposed development on public exhibition, please note that your submission will be a public document and available to the applicant, and the public, via Council's Application Tracker.

To make a submission you must:

  • make your submission in writing via our online form, or by email, or by writing to Council
  • include the development application number, address or project name in the title of the submission
  • include your contact details - we cannot accept a submission if the sender’s identity is not properly disclosed
  • ensure your comment relates directly to the work proposed and its impacts - such as views, floorspace, height, urban design, heritage, traffic and car parking, noise, landscaping, drainage, privacy and overshadowing
  • disclose any reportable political donation or gift made in the previous two years to any local councillor or Council employee
  • submit your comment before the close of the exhibition period, which is usually 14 days
  • attach any requests to remove personal information from publication of the submission, such as names and addresses if disclosure would place that person or members of their family at risk.

Please note - issues such as moral objection, commercial competition or personal circumstances of an applicant or objector cannot be given weight in Council's assessment.

We will acknowledge the receipt of your submission but will not provide a specific response to any matters raised in submissions as these will be addressed in a report prepared on the application.

Any submission will be considered in conjunction with Council's legal responsibilities, planning documents, the interests of the community at large and the reasonable expectation and rights of the applicant.

Council will carry out a balanced assessment of these interests in the analysis of any application and may vary the application of its planning controls on merit.

Submit your comment online

More information

You can call, email or visit our Customer Service Centre for further assistance.

Contact Council

Submit a petition

We can accept petitions provided:

  • they are in writing
  • include the name, full address and the original signature of each petitioner (signatures must not be pasted on, photocopied or transferred in any way)

Please note, online petitions cannot be accepted. Our online form is for individual entries only. 

Petitions should include the name of the contact person for the petition. In the absence of this information, Council will consider the first name on the petition as the contact person.

For privacy reasons, only the substance of the petition and the number of signatories will be published, and the full petition will be available for viewing by Councillors only.

While Council will attempt to notify anyone who lodges a submission or petition of the outcome of the development application, interested parties can follow development applications on Council's Application Tracker.

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