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DAs published - 13 March 2025
Proposed developments currently on public exhibition are listed below. Alternatively, you can search for proposed developments on our Application Tracker.
Council is the determining authority and seeks comments from interested people.
Development Applications Received
1/4 Reserve Street Neutral Bay - Submissions close 04/04/2025
Alterations to an existing attached dual occupancy including internal alterations and associated earthworks Nolan Planning Consultants Pty Ltd, DA 21/2025/1, Neutral Precinct
6 Whatmore Street Waverton - Submissions close 04/04/2025
Alterations and Additions to existing detached dwelling including new basement garage, residential lift installed and first floor addition and demolition of existing roof Gelder Group Architect, DA 25/2025/1, Waverton Precinct
113 Cremorne Road Cremorne Point - Submissions close 04/04/2025
Alterations and additions to an existing dwelling including a new rear addition and a revised garage at the rear Look Design Group Pty Ltd, DA 26/2025/1, Cremorne Point Precinct
182-186 Blues Point Road McMahons Point - Submissions close 04/04/2025
Alterations to premises to infill stair voids and interconnecting stairs between Levels 3 and 4 Noble & Co Pty Ltd, DA 28/2025/1, Euroka Precinct
18 Mitchell Street McMahons Point - Submissions close 04/04/2025
Change of use from a commercial premises to a residential dwelling house and internal alterations and additions and minor external works Mitchell Bye, DA 31/2025/1, Euroka Precinct
8 West Street North Sydney - Submissions close 11/04/2025
Demolition and adaptive reuse of an existing 11-storey commercial building with ground floor retail and childcare uses into residential apartments with ground floor retail and an expanded podium. Application to be reported to Sydney North Local Planning Panel (SNPP) The Trustee for Maville West Investment Unit Trust, DA 34/2025/1, Hayberry Precinct
Applications Received For Modifications To The Following Approvals
126-128 Willoughby Road Crows Nest – Submissions close 28/03/2025
Land and Environment Court Amended Plan received regarding the appeal of North Sydney Local Planning Panel (NSLPP) refusal of the proposal for Alterations and additions to an existing building to create a mixed-use development of 2 levels and a mezzanine of commercial and retail premises, and 4 residential units on the upper 2 levels and associated works Keystone Property Consultants, Appeal of DA 279/2022/1, Holterman Precinct
44 Ellalong Road Cremorne - Submissions close 04/04/2025
Section 4.55(2) Modification to approved development including alterations and additions and amendments to conditions Corona Projects Pty Ltd, DA 142/2022/7, Willoughby Bay Precinct
13 Allister Street Cremorne – Submissions close 04/04/2025
Modification to an approved residential flat building development with various internal and external changes Cremorne JV Pty Ltd, DA 291/2022/6, Harrison-Bennett Precinct
DAs published - 6 March 2025
Proposed developments currently on public exhibition are listed below. Alternatively, you can search for proposed developments on our Application Tracker.
Council is the determining authority and seeks comments from interested people.
Development Applications Received:
131‐135 Young Street, Cremorne ‐ Submission date closes 28/03/2025
Reconstruction/Rectification of part of a Damaged Roof and Roof Framing Repairs to an existing Residential Flat Building Approved Services Pty Ltd, DA 13/2025/1, Brightmore Precinct
524 Miller Street, Cammeray ‐ Submission date closes 28/03/2025
Demolition of existing structures, site amalgamation and construction of a multi‐dwelling housing development comprising of 5 x 3‐bedroom dwellings and basement parking for 9 parking spaces and associated site works Zaxland Holding 1 Pty Ltd, DA 15/2025/1, Bridgeview Precinct
49 Rangers Road, Cremorne‐ Submission date closes 28/03/2025
Alterations and additions to existing dwelling including new garage and internal reconfiguration, fenestration amendments and dormer additions. Kate Robertson, DA 16/2025/1, Harrison‐Bennett Precinct
1/74 Wycombe Road, Neutral Bay ‐ Submission date closes 28/03/2025
Installation of a wood burning fireplace Brewer Architects Pty Ltd, DA 17/2025/1, Neutral Precinct
20 Benelong Road, Cremorne ‐ Submission date closes 28/03/2025
Alterations and addition to existing dwelling including internal and external reconfiguration within the existing floorplate. Sally Turpin Barbara Burton Pty Ltd, DA 18/2025/1, Brightmore Precinct
45 Murdoch Street, Cremorne ‐ Submission date closes 28/03/2025
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a residential flat building, strata subdivision of 31 apartments, including 7 affordable housing units, basement car parking, landscaping and associated site works. Oscar Guzman, DA 24/2025/1, Harrison‐Bennett Precinct
1 Henry Lawson Avenue, McMahons Poin‐ Submission date closes 04/04/2025
Partial demolition of existing dilapidated boatshed, primary building and associated structures, replace historic structures existing hardstand concrete slabs, sandstone walls, the slipway and some historic movable objects to be retained and proposed hard and soft landscape works, provision of public toilets, improved pavement and footpath, new pedestrian boardwalk and public viewing platform, site improvement and access works, installation of kayak storage cradles and other ancillary works North Sydney Council, DA 410/2024/1, Lavender Bay Precinct
Applications Received For Modifications To The Following Approvals
160 Kurraba Road, Kurraba Point ‐ Submission date closes 28/03/2025
S4.55(2) Modification of DA191/23 to accommodate changes to structural conditions of the approved building; dwelling layout changes; changes to approved garages and car parking; window changes; amendments to top floor addition and refurbishment work to original architectural features. The Trustee for Jefferson Living Unit Trust, DA 191/2023/3, Kurraba Precinct
45 McLaren Street, North Sydney ‐ Submission date closes 28/03/2025
s4.55(2) Modification to apartment layouts, balcony and façade changes, reconfiguration of waste arrangements, deletion of awning to Harnett Street, landscaping changes, changes to landscaping to through site link, and changes to conditions C1, C53, C57, C58. The Trustee for GFM BTS Trust Subtrust No. 2, DA 215/2023/4, Stanton Precinct
8 Morden Street Cammeray ‐ Submission date closes 28/03/2025
S4.55(2) Modification to approved development for alterations and additions including internal reconfiguration and amendments to conditions of consent. George Asgari, DA 343/2023/4, The Plateau Precinct
DAs published - 27 February 2025
Proposed developments currently on public exhibition are listed below. Alternatively, you can search for proposed developments on our Application Tracker.
Council is the determining authority and seeks comments from interested people.
Development Applications Received:
89 Union Street, McMahons Point - Submission date closes 21/03/2025
Alterations and Additions to existing terrace house. Laurence Laveau, DA397/2024/1, Euroka Precinct
9 Milner Crescent, Wollstonecraft - Submission date closes - 22/03/2025
Alterations including demolition of inground swimming pool and construction of art studio David Collins, DA 398/2024/1, Wollstonecraft Precinct
5 Morden Street, Cammeray - Submission date closes 21/03/2025
Alterations and additions to existing dwelling including demolition, internal reconfiguration, rear extension, fencing and landscaping amendments and associated site works. Michael Gregory Crompton & Emma Sara Laing, DA 409/2024/1, The Plateau Precinct
3/74 Wycombe Road, Neutral Bay - Submission date closes 21/03/2025
Alterations and additions to unit including internal demolition, fenestration changes and associated works Viewthru Pty Ltd, DA 416/2024/1, Neutral Precinct
27 Brightmore Street, Cremorne - Submission date closes 21/03/2025
Construction of carport, new driveway crossover, landscaping and associated works. Ben Roberts-Thomson, DA 419/2024/1, Brightmore Precinct
47 Devonshire Street, Crows Nest - Submission date closes 21/03/2025
Torrens Title subdivision of existing dual occupancy (attached) and subsequent change in use of to semi-detached dwelling Tony Polvere, DA 420/2024/1, Holtermann Precinct
70 Bellevue Street, Cammeray - Submission date closes 21/03/2025
Alterations and additions including first floor extension Wisden Architects Pty Ltd, DA 2/2025/1, The Plateau Precinct
17 Cairo Street, Cammeray - Submission date closes 21/03/2025
Demolition of portion of existing front fence, and new off streetcar parking space, driveway and crossover, front fence and gate Mark Elie Chemali, DA 7/2025/1, The Plateau Precinct
31 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli - Submission date closes 21/03/2025
Strata Subdivision of existing mixed-use premises Peter Procopio, DA 8/2025/1, Bradfield Precinct
156 Chandos Street, Crows Nest - Submission date closes 21/03/2025
Alterations and additions to existing dwelling including garage and replacement driveway and crossing from Jenkins Lane. George Bouropoulos, DA 11/2025/1, Holtermann Precinct
Applications Received For Modifications To The Following Approvals
1B Pine Street, Cammeray - Submission date closes 21/03/2025
S4.55(2) Modification to approved development for internal and external alterations to facilitate design amendments and conditions of consent. George Youhanna, DA 40/2021/3, Bay Precinct
313 Pacific Highway, North Sydney- Submission date closes 21/03/2025
s4.55(2) modification to approved development including internal and external amendments and increase in height. The Trustee for North Shore Asset Trust, DA 95/2021/5, Hayberry Precinct
58 Cowdroy Avenue, Cammeray – Submission date closes 21/03/2025
Section 8.2 Review of Determination for DA/60/2022/2 for modification of consent for demolition of existing dwelling and ancillary structures and construction of a dwelling house and associated site works including a swimming pool Review of Determination for 60/2022/1 Paul Etherington, DA 60/2022, Bay Precinct
DAs published - 20 February 2025
Proposed developments currently on public exhibition are listed below. Alternatively, you can search for proposed developments on our Application Tracker.
Council is the determining authority and seeks comments from interested people.
Development Applications Received:
127 Atchison Street CROWS NEST - Submission date closes 14/03/2025
Amended Plans - Alterations and additions to a dwelling house including demolition of existing rear extension and pool and construction of a new two floor addition and pool. COSO Architecture, DA 96/2024, Holtermann Precinct
37 Murdoch Street CREMORNE - Submission date closes 15/03/2025
Section 4.56 Modification to increase the maximum number of children at the existing childcare centre from 65 to 69 children. Active Kids Pre School-Centre Of Excellence Pty Ltd, DA 271/2023/2, Harrison-Bennett Precinct
79 Bay Road WAVERTON- Submission date closes 14/03/2025
Alterations and additions to dwelling house. Yan Honda Architects Pty Ltd, DA 395/2024, Waverton Precinct
17 Falcon Street CROWS NEST- Submission date closes 14/03/2025
Installation and use of Solid Fuel Charcoal Cooking Facilities to an existing “Food and Drinks Premises". Prestige Town Planning Pty Ltd, DA 400/2024, Hayberry Precinct
39 Bank Street NORTH SYDNEY - Submission date closes 14/03/2025
Alterations and additions to existing dwelling including extension to rear of house, windows and doors changes and works to side and rear elevations. Ava Shirley, DA 408/2024, Euroka Precinct
135 Carabella Street KIRRIBILLI - Submission date closes 14/03/2025
Alterations and additions to an existing dwelling including internal and external demolition, internal reconfiguration, landscaping and fenestration additions. Yulan He, DA 412/2024, Milson Precinct
8 The Boulevarde CAMMERAY - Submission date closes 14/03/2025
Alterations and additions to existing dwelling including demolition and extension, installation of a swimming pool, detached outbuilding and associated site works. Milestone (Aust) Pty Ltd, DA 414/2024, Bay Precinct
32 Ancrum Street WAVERTON - Submission date closes 14/03/2025
Alterations and additions to dwelling including demolition of existing rear addition, internal alterations and rear additions to ground and lower floor plus new workshop and driveway. Mitchelle Bye, DA 418/2024, Euroka Precinct
11-15 Alexander Street CROWS NEST- Submission date closes 14/03/2025
Proposed food & drink premises (Japanese Restaurant). Myah Kassis, DA 3/2025, Hayberry Precinct
6 Larkin Street WAVERTON - Submission date closes 14/03/2025
Demolition of existing dwelling and garage and construction of new contemporary two storey dwelling with roof terrace, basement, pool and landscaping. Hieu Trung Le, DA 9/2025, Waverton Precinct
Applications Received For Modifications To The Following Approvals
5-7 Lower Wycombe Road NEUTRAL BAY - Submission date closes 14/03/2025
S4.55(2) Modification of DA 137/23 to provide for various changes to basement, excavation methods, window changes, changes to balconies, elevation changes, new plunge pool to eastern terrace, modified pool design and location, changes to landscaping and tree
protection measures. Ingham Planning Pty Ltd, DA 137/2023/4, Hayes Precinct
DAs published - 13 February 2025
Proposed developments currently on public exhibition are listed below. Alternatively, you can search for proposed developments on our Application Tracker.
Council is the determining authority and seeks comments from interested people.
Development Applications Received:
6 John Street McMahons Point - Submission date closes 28/03/2025
Installation of a Carbon Filtration System and minor demolition work to Shed 3 in association with existing marine repair facility. Noakes Group Pty Limited, DA 368/2024, Euroka Precinct
58 West Street North Sydney - Submission date closes 07/03/2025
Change of use of heritage listed semi-detached residential dwelling into health consulting rooms for the purposes of child and adolescent psychiatry; installation of signage, installation of new doors and alterations to joinery, alterations to existing pathway and the fixing of existing doors Urbis Pty Ltd, DA 376/2024, Hayberry Precinct
100 Arthur Street North Sydney - Submission date closes 21/03/2025
Installation of two (2) illuminated business identification signs The Trustee for Gateway Arthur Trust, DA 402/2024, CBD Precinct
61 Kareela Road Cremorne Point - Submission date closes 07/03/2025
Alterations and additions to an existing dwelling house including associated siteworks, landscaping, facade alterations, new workshop/ storeroom and modifications to swimming pool Paro Planning Pty Ltd, DA 403/2024, Cremorne Point Precinct
40 Mount Street North Sydney - Submission date closes 08/03/2025
Alterations and additions to facilitate refurbishment of the existing terrace at Level 9. Gray Puksand Raadik Pty Ltd, DA 407/2024, CBD Precinct
DAs published - 06 February 2025
Proposed developments currently on public exhibition are listed below. Alternatively, you can search for proposed developments on our Application Tracker.
Council is the determining authority and seeks comments from interested people.
Development Applications Received
5 Ridge Street, North Sydney - Submission date closes 28/02/2025
Proposed change of use to food and drink premise (Latin American Restaurant) opening hours 11am to 9pm Mon to Sun. Approveall Town Planning Pty Ltd, DA 382/2024, Stanton Precinct
322 West Street, Cammeray- Submission date closes 28/02/2025
Alterations and first floor addition to existing semidetached dwelling Sydney Drafting Concepts & Desings Pty Limited, DA 399/2024, Bridgeview Precinct
Applications Received For Modifications To The Following Approvals
60 Milray Avenue, Wollstonecraft - Submission date closes 28/02/2025
4.55(2) modification application to approved development for alterations and additions including a new detached workshop, fenestration changes, fencing amendments and internal reconfiguration. C C Pines Pty Ltd, DA 65/2020/4, Wollstonecraft Precinct
6/172 Pacific Highway, North Sydney - Submission date closes 28/02/2025
8.2 Review of determination for demolition of existing balcony awning and construction of awning structure above a balcony to the existing Residential Flat Building Jagged Pty Ltd, DA 52/2024, Euroka Precint
80 Hayberry Street, Crows Nest - Submission date closes 28/02/2025
Section 4.55(1A) Modification Application to approved development for alterations and additions including internal reconfiguration. KJM Homes Pty Limited, DA 174/2024/04, Hayberry Precinct
Integrated Development Applications Received
105-153 Miller Street, North Sydney - Submission date closes 14/03/2025
Integrated Development of the State heritage listed building at 105-153 Miller Street, North Sydney including refurbishment, alterations and additions for the purpose of a commercial office building with ground level retail and associated works. Investa Custodian (2) Pty Ltd, DA 387/2024, CBD Precinct