Cats are prohibited from entering Wildlife Protection Areas, and dogs must be leashed except in designated areas. The bushland areas of the following five reserves are Wildlife Protection Areas (WPAs):
- Tunks Park, Cammeray
- Gore Cove Reserve and Smoothey Park, Wollstonecraft
- Balls Head Reserve, Waverton
- Badangi Reserve, Wollstonecraft
- Folly Point and Primrose Park, Cammeray.
Our Bushland Management team undertakes trapping programs to remove feral cats from our WPAs. If a domestic cat is trapped, the owner is notified and reminded of their responsibilities. Failure by a cat owner to manage their pet can result in fines up to $880 under the NSW Companion Animals Act (1998) Section 30.
Tunks Park in Cammeray is also a wildlife hotspot. Our Natural Area Survey identified it as the most important reserve in North Sydney for native birds, especially for small bushbirds such as the Superb Fairy-wren, Variegated Fairy-wren, Brown Thornbill, Brown Gerygone, Spotted Pardalote, Eastern Spinebill, Eastern Yellow Robin, Red-browed Finch and Silvereye.
For more information, contact our Customer Service Centre and ask to speak to the Bushland Management Coordinator.
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