Environment Reference Group
This Reference Group deals with a range of environmental and sustainability issues.
Sport and Recreation Reference Group
This Reference Group assists Council to provide sporting and recreational facilities.
Sustainable Transport Reference Group
This Reference Group aims to improve sustainable transport options, and pedestrian and cyclist safety.
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North Sydney News

Mayor, Women’s Safety Commissioner and community leaders stand against domestic and family violence
Community leaders, police and government are committing to work together to address domestic and family violence on Sydney’s lower north shore.

Closure of three bus stops along Miller Street
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) have added new bus stops along Miller Street to better connect with Sydney Metro services at Victoria Cross Station. These additions accommodate for the closure.

Colour Fest 2025: Don your whites and get multi-coloured
Take on a colour run obstacle course on Saturday 12 April at St Leonards Park, in celebration of NSW Youth Week.

Lifeline Art Show
Explore stunning artworks at the Lifeline Art Show North Sydney from 4 to 9 April, 11am to 6pm daily, with proceeds supporting crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Construction of Young Street Cycleway
A cycleway path is being constructed along Young Street between Grosvenor to Sutherland Street in Neutral Bay. Works will commence on Monday 24 March.

Artist in Residence Pilot Program at North Sydney Community Centre
Council, in partnership with the North Sydney Community Centre (NSCC), is excited to announce the launch of the Artist in Residence Pilot Program.

Council calls for a Miller Street pedestrian plaza
North Sydney Council, Business Sydney and Lendlease are calling for Miller Street to become a people-friendly plaza that could rival that of cities worldwide.

Register for a free car seat safety check
Have your child's car seat checked for free.

Applications open for the Don Bank Museum Writer in Residence Program
Writers seeking a dedicated space to focus on their craft can now apply for the Don Bank Museum Writer in Residence Program. Applications close on Monday 14 April.