The Street Alive Program encourages residents to create and care for gardens on public land.
It builds on what is already happening informally throughout North Sydney as many residents currently help maintain public gardens near or adjacent to their property. Streets Alive recognises these volunteers for their work and provides them with the support and resources they need to continue.
Streets Alive also provides gardening opportunities for those who don't have a garden of their own. It fosters community stewardship of public open spaces and encourages participation in gardening as a recreational activity.
Council Support
Each Streets Alive site has an appointed Council Officer who is responsible for supporting the volunteers.
Council provides the materials needed to maintain the site such as plants, soil and mulch and Streets Alive volunteers provide the labour.
When an area of public space becomes a Streets Alive site, Council works with the site supervisor and other volunteers to develop goals for the site. We then help develop a plan to achieve these goals.
Other resources Council may provide include:
- tools and equipment on loan
- specialist services such as arborists, carpenters, stonemasons, pest exterminators
- training for volunteers
- assistance with recruiting more volunteers.