Plastic Free North Sydney

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North Sydney Council adopted a policy that aims to help phase out single use plastics from its buildings and other facilities. The “Single Use Plastic Policy” applies to Council’s operations, events, venues as well as community and third-party events in Council owned properties. These guidelines are designed to assist Council staff, the community, hirers and lessees of Council facilities to comply with this policy, understand how to avoid single use plastic items and offers solutions for alternatives.

Read the Plastic Free Guide


In 2022, NSW will be banning certain single-use plastics:

  • From 1 June 2022 - lightweight plastic shopping bags.
  • From 1 Nov 2022 - single-use plastic straws, stirrers and cutlery.
  • From 1 Nov 2022  - single-use plastic plates and bowls.
  • From 1 Nov 2022  - expanded polystyrene foodware.
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