By submitting this form you commit to these terms and conditions.
1. This form should only be used if you intend seeking compensation from Council. However, submission of this form does not automatically entitle you to compensation for loss or injury – it will depend on whether Council has any legal responsibility for the damages sustained.
2. An admission of liability does not arise from either the provision of this form by you, or through receipt of the completed form by Council.
3. This form should not be used if: · You only wish to report an incident, you are requesting repairs to Council property (i.e. roads, footpaths) or you are making a complaint. In those circumstances, you should contact Council using the contact details available on Council’s website. · Your incident involved a pit lid or similar infrastructure owned by a utility company (e.g. Telstra, Optus, NBN, water, gas, electricity provider etc.). Refer to the utility's website for further information.
4. Council will investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident to establish whether or not Council has any legal liability and all compensation requests will be considered on their individual circumstances. Council is not liable for loss or damage unless it has acted negligently or in breach of some other aspect of the law. It is your responsibility to provide evidence in support of the claim. Evidence may include photographs and reports etc. that Council has acted negligently.
5. It is your responsibility to prepare and submit any additional information requested by Council in relation to this request for compensation.
6. It is your duty to take reasonable steps to reduce the value/extent of any loss and to ensure as far as possible that your property is not damaged further and in the case of motor vehicles, that your vehicle is safe to drive.
7. Your loss or damage may be covered by your own insurance e.g. motor vehicle, buildings, contents. A claim on your insurance policy is likely to be resolved more quickly than a compensation request against Council, because you will most likely not need to establish negligence in your claim. Your insurer may also provide better benefits and settlement terms such as 'new for old'.