Small Grants


Grants will only be awarded to:

  • Incorporated not-for-profit organisations based in and/or servicing the North Sydney local government area; or community groups in the North Sydney local government area auspiced by an incorporated not-for-profit organisation (ie local community centres such as the Kirribilli Centre, North Sydney Community Centre or Crows Nest Centre. In these circumstances the funding is distributed to the auspice and the applicant will need to work with the auspice to deliver the project).
  • The organisation must undertake the project for which the grant has been awarded within the specified time frame ie the financial year in which the grant is awarded. Applications for extensions will only be considered under extenuating circumstances and must be formally requested in writing, addressed to the CEO. If an extension to complete the project is approved, the maximum time limit would be an additional six months.
  • Previous funding gained through this grants program must have been acquitted.

The following proposals are not eligible for funding:

  • Activities that promote or advance a specific religious or political belief system.
  • Fundraising appeals or general donations to charities.
  • Funding for individuals.
  • Funding for private property capital expenses.
  • Projects that duplicate existing services.
  • Applications for projects that will primarily service non-North Sydney local government area residents.
  • Ongoing operational costs. Funds are not available for ongoing service delivery such as staff wages, rent, administration costs. The Small Grants program is for one-off funding.
  • State or federal government departments (including schools or tertiary institutions), or projects which fall under the responsibility of another tier of government. Parents and Citizens Associations can only apply for projects that can demonstrate the project is accessible and beneficial to the broader community (ie benefits reach beyond the school community).
  • Applications for projects that will primarily benefit ‘for profit’ activities ie business organisations and networks.
  • Projects that already receive funding from another type of Council funding (eg Green Schools or Creative Grants programs).

Small Grants Program Guidelines

North Sydney Council supports the provision of community services through financial assistance by way of small grants to not for profit community organisations.

View the full guidelines