Small Grants

Previous successful small grants

Note that acquittal reports for any previous funding are due by the end of June each year and must be received by Council prior to any new funds being distributed. 

Download the Community Organisations Acquittal Form  

Successful small grants 2024/25

Early Eduction (EarlyEd) Inc – Supporting inclusion in North Sydney early education services

Playgroup leaders and early childhood educators from the North Sydney LGA will be provided 4 free 45 min “Online Pop-in lunch time training sessions” to help them support:

  • the diverse needs of children in their services
  • inclusion of all children in their services as well as
  • help identify children in need of support

Greenway Tenants Group Inc - Communication expenses for the Greenway Community Centre

Funding will be used to operate the telephone and computer system in the Greenway Community Centre. The system provides internet and email facilities daily for residents who would otherwise be unable to afford internet services.

Kelly’s Place – Music consultant

Kelly’s Place would like to engage a weekly early childhood music consultant to support the professional development of the educators which would then enhance the educational curriculum for the children. Music is known to enhance cognitive skills, improve language development, and foster creativity.

The Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre The Feel-Good Photography Group

The Feel-Good Photography Group is inclusive, and brings our community together over creativity, discussion & fun. It helps reduce social isolation, encourages discussion, friendships, kindness and most importantly community, different cultures, views, lifestyles and wellbeing. This program is open to all.

Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney – Community education

Provide community workshops in conjunction with Lifeline Connect – North Sydney. The Start the Conversation and Creating a Personal Self Care Plan workshop would each be 1.5 hours in duration and give attendees the confidence to recognise distress in others, techniques to engage in conversations that truly matter and enhance attendee’s productivity, relationships, and mental health.

Lower North Shore Domestic Violence Network - DV Awareness Raising Project: Supply Mum’s and Bub’s Survival Kit for local DV services

This project will update and reprint the Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) booklet Bouncing Back, a resource to help parents boost their child's ability to bounce back from life's challenges after experiencing the effects of DFV.

Lower North Shore Multicultural Network (auspiced by North Sydney Community Service t/a Crows Nest Centre) – What do you know about race and racism?

The LNSMN will engage with North Sydney and Lower North Shore residents and services around the issue of racism. It will offer a 3-hour introductory workshop that develops empathy, understanding of race related issues and identities, and improve safety and support for people who have experienced racism.

Mary’s House Services – Telephone devices for Domestic Violence (DV) community outreach workers

The funding will be used for the purchase of two new mobile phones for community outreach workers. Converting to a new telephone system and using Apple phones with better security and ensure business efficiencies with links to Microsoft Business.

Mentoring Men – Supporting Men's Mental Health and Wellbeing in the North Sydney LGA

Funding will support Mentoring Men in engaging with at-risk men throughout the North Sydney LGA to promote mental wellbeing, improve help-seeking behaviour and increase social connections. Through identifying local leaders, providing them with mentoring skills and facilitating the creation of effective partnerships, the community will equip itself with the skills to meet challenges into the future.

Neutral Bay Community Centre – Art in the Afternoons

The funding will be used to start an art group at Neutral Bay Community Centre on Thursday afternoons. The hope is that we can provide all the materials for members so if they have never painted before, they would be able to start without being out of pocket.

North Shore Queers (auspiced by Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre)

North Shore Queers recognise the lack of dedicated LGBTQIA+ groups in the Sydney North Shore area. Therefore, this project aims to create inclusive spaces and organise events to foster community engagement. The funding will be used to kickstart the North Shore Queers group.

North Sydney Community Centre – Mental Health programs

This funding will support two projects for Mental Health Awareness Month, featuring a mindful art session and a family-friendly sing-along.

North Sydney Community Service Ltd t/a Crows Nest Centre – Reach your potential: Employability workshops for skilled migrants

Our project aims to build on 10+ years of successfully delivering employability workshops to skilled migrants so they can attain skilled employment, further their careers and contribute to Australian society.

St Vincent de Paul Society – Winter Wellness

This project is to enable the preparation of packages that would contain a warm blanket, a pair of slippers, a packet of face masks and a warm pair of socks.

Taldumande Youth Services - Food Vouchers for young people at risk of homelessness

The funding will be used to purchase grocery vouchers. The vouchers will enable the vulnerable children and young people experiencing financial hardship who are in the care or being assessed by Taldumande Youth Services to purchase essential items

Successful small grants 2023/24

Taldumande Youth Services - Food Vouchers for young people at risk of homelessness

$50 grocery vouchers will enable vulnerable children and young people to purchase essential items and food while learning valuable life skills, setting them up for success as they move into more independent accommodation.

Cammeray Public School P&C Association – Music Makers Music Camp

At "Music Makers Music Camp", Cammeray Public School band members will come together for a two-day residential program to develop their music skills, build friendships, and perform for their families.

North Sydney Community Centre – Bush to Bowl at Playgroup

A Bush Tucker presentation will be led by an Aboriginal Educator to conduct sensory play, a cultural art workshop and dance with music for preschool children who attend Playgroup with their carer.

Lower North Shore Domestic Violence Network - DV Awareness Raising Project: update/print family resource

This project will update and reprint the Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) booklet Bouncing Back, a resource to help parents boost their child's ability to bounce back from life's challenges after experiencing the effects of DFV.

St Vincent de Paul Society – Stock the Shelves

Vinnies maintains a pantry of foodstuffs, basic toiletries, essential kitchen equipment and basic first aid for those who have immediate needs and are unable to access shops or have no funds with which to purchase them.

Mary’s House Services – Therapeutic space for victims of domestic violence

A therapeutic space outside the refuge will be created for families who have experienced significant trauma as a result of DV, including installing a sensory swing and playground for children and planting fruit trees.

North Shore Historical Society - NSHS History Journal digitisation

This project will digitise and make this resource online, allowing older residents and those who are not mobile to explore a unique record of North Sydney history remotely.

North Sydney KeyStrokes Choir

The KeyStrokes Choir is a choir of stroke survivors, many of whom are on a pension, who have found their voice through singing. Funding will contribute to choir costs as well as increasing membership to create a greater sense of belonging and wellbeing.

Road Safety Education Ltd – Road safety education for North Sydney youth

Road Safety Education will provide a best-practice, evidence-based road safety program equipping North Sydney schools' young drivers with the tools they need to make good choices on the road and to become positive, socially connected road users.

North Sydney Community Service Ltd t/a Crows Nest Centre – Celebrating 10 years: Jobs for Skilled Migrants

This project will celebrate 10 years of skilled migrants attaining skilled employment and furthering their careers, inspiring 2023-24 participants to make the most of their own professional skills and experience.

Lower North Shore Multicultural Network auspiced by North Sydney Community Service t/a Crows Nest Centre – Refugee Week 2024

A Community Forum will be held in Crows Nest for Refugee Week, June 2024, on "Finding Freedom" - what it means to live without fear, to acknowledge human rights, and to celebrate compassion and resilience.

The Kirribilli Centre – Singalong for the Community

A monthly singalong for the community will be held to encourage community engagement, friendships and help reduce social isolation through music.

Greenway Tenants Group Inc - Greenway Community Centre Phone Costs

Telstra wireless system that operates for the benefit of Greenway residents. The system provides internet and email facilities daily for residents who would otherwise be unable to afford internet services. Funding will help to pay the telephone account for the Greenway Community Centre.