The format of our Reference Groups are in review. No applications for citizen membership are currently being received.
The Sustainable Transport Reference Group meetings are held at the Ros Crichton Pavilion at 200 Miller Street, North Sydney.
The Reference Group, consisting of councillors and citizen members, aims to:
- promote public, active and alternative transport modes to reduce the reliance on private vehicle use in and through the North Sydney local government area
- consider sustainable transport options in the context of North Sydney’s status as a key access point to the Sydney Harbour Bridge
- provide a forum to consider alternative sustainable transport options with a view to:
- promoting all forms of sustainable transport, including but not limited to, public transport, walking, cycling, car pooling and car share
- providing advice and recommendations on sustainable transport management in the North Sydney local government area, with a specific focus on sustainable transport priorities contained within Council’s key policy documents, corporate planning documents and environmental sustainability
- coordinating community input with that of other key organisations involved in sustainable transport management
- assisting with the monitoring and review of programs, projects and initiatives that lead to improved and sustainable transport management in accordance with best practice
- providing input on engineering, enforcement, encouragement and education initiatives related to all facets of sustainable transport within North Sydney and its neighbours
- raising awareness in the community about sustainable transport options
- assisting Council to improve environmental sustainability
- work with the Police, Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), public transport authorities, local stakeholder groups (including but not limited to pedestrian and bicycle groups) and Council, to facilitate a collaborative approach to improving sustainable transport facilities and promoting sustainable transport options at a community/local level
- assist with the development of sustainable transport strategies that encourages the use of public and alternative modes of transport
- assist with the development of strategies that increase connectivity between active transport options (such as walking and cycling) and other modes of transport (including public transport)
- assist Council in meeting its sustainable transport objectives under its various plans and policies (including the Community Strategic Plan, North Sydney Council Sustainable Transport Action Plan and Greenhouse Action Plan).