North Sydney Olympic Pool redevelopment

Redevelopment background

2023 August

Council resolved to appoint external project management specialists APP Group 

2023 April

Independent review of the North Sydney Olympic Pool redevelopment project was commissioned and reported to Council

2021 March

Work begins on site

2020 December

Icon SI (Aust) Pty Ltd appointed to redevelop the North Sydney Olympic Pool.

2020 October

Final detailed design and tender documentation completed. Tenders called from a short list of eight prospective tenderers derived from an earlier Expression of Interest process.

2020 July

North Sydney Olympic Pool redevelopment received approval from the Sydney North Planning Panel on 1 July 2020. 

2020 April

Council resolves to adopt amended plans. View amended DA plans and other documentation through DA Tracking (search for DA 347/19 in the search field).

2020 March

Brewster Hjorth Architects informs Council that the independent planner assessing the application has requested further information and design changes to address predominantly heritage issues.

2019 October

DA lodged and placed on public exhibition.

2019 August

Progress is reported to Council and DA phase of the redevelopment project begins.

2019 March

North Sydney Council votes to progress redevelopment to Stage 2 Design – Preparation of a DA and Statutory Approvals. For more information on the redevelopment view Report to Council 25 March 2019Media Release 26 March 2019.

2018 June

Following an extensive Tender process for Design and Project Management Services, Brewster Hjorth Architects and sub consultant team are appointed to redevelop the NSOP complex.

2017 November

A mayoral minute was put to Council where it was resolved to continue the project with Option 2.

2016 March

Outcome of Phase 2 Community Consultation reported to Council. Council resolves to defer the project. View NSOP Redevelopment Options March 2016Addendum NSOP Community Consultation Results March 2016.

2015 August

Phase 2 Community Consultation of six options conducted.

2015 March

Council resolves to present six options developed from Phase 1 Community Consultation.

2014 December

Consultation findings presented to Council.

2014 September to November

Phase 1 Community Consultation conducted.

2014 December

Redevelopment masterplan options prepared by consultants.

2013 July

Redevelopment of North Sydney Olympic Pool approved by Council.