Parking meter payments and receipts

Overview of payments

Our parking meters have changed due to the Australia-wide shutdown of the 3G network. All previous parking meters in the North Sydney LGA used this network, which therefore required an upgrade. Council took this opportunity to update the paid parking system.

Our area has 137 parking meters and 211 Touch N Go boxes.

Our parking meters and Touch N Gos are cashless and ticketless.

Payment should be made as soon as possible after you have parked. To avoid fines, you must obey signs relevant to your parking space.

There are now three options to pay for parking in our LGA:

  • Parking meters
  • Touch N Gos and
  • PayStay app

Council's parking meters, Touch N Gos and the PayStay app are Orikan.

Parking meter QR code security

PayStay's QR codes adhere to high security standards. Stay vigilant to scams by checking the URL link that appears after scanning a QR code. All web addresses will display as under a secure https connection. Scammers make subtle changes to URL text. Check the link and destination to ensure it’s legitimate. If you have the PayStay App it will automatically open when a PayStay QR code is scanned. Confirm the zone number paid for online against the zone number listed on street signs.